
This landmark educational institution represents a significant stride forward in harnessing technology to enhance the learning experience of young minds.

The official opening of this state-of-the-art academy on the 19th of September 2021 was a momentous occasion, graced by none other than the celebrated author, Sir Michael Morpurgo, who took center stage as the guest of honour. His presence underscored the importance of this educational milestone and highlighted the academy’s commitment to nurturing the next generation of thinkers, innovators, and leaders.

The academy’s emphasis on technology-led learning aligns perfectly with the demands of our rapidly evolving digital age. It stands as a testament to our collective dedication to providing students with the tools and resources they need to thrive in a world driven by innovation and digital literacy.

We take great pride in our role in bringing this visionary project to fruition and look forward to witnessing the positive impact it will have on the education and development of the students who walk through its doors. Our partnership with ISG Plc has exemplified the power of collaboration in shaping the future of education, and we are excited about the possibilities that lie ahead for this remarkable institution.




Sestertius Road, Monkerton, Exeter EX1 3WS